Add products for students to purchase or archive disabled products so they don't take up space in your store.
Table of Contents
Step 1: Click on Reward Store
Step 2: Click on the Products card
Click on the View button in the Products card.
Add A New Product
Once you click on the View button in the Products card, you will see the products table. To add a new product, click on the New Product button at the top of the table.
A modal will open prompting you to enter the product details.
Click on the Save button.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have added a new product to the reward store.
Bulk Actions: Archive
To archive products in your reward store, simply use the checkbox on the left side of the table to select them. Under the search bar, you will see the bulk action selection. Click on Archive.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have archived products in the reward store.
Check Product Availability
Click on the Product Availability button on top of the table.
Once you click on it, a product availability summary will display the status of your products.
- Available products are displayed in green.
- Coming Soon products are displayed in yellow.
- Out of Stock products are displayed in red.
- Disabled products are displayed in gray.
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